Sunday, November 15, 2009

PEOPLE. i need some explaination for the turnup on saturday, 14/11
training was at macritchie. the cross country team was supposed to come, it was not an OPTIONAL TRAINING
the turnout? you could count it with your hands.

i understand if those who are not in the cross country team do not turn up, but what about those who are? If you want to get into the team, the least you could do is turn up for training. I hope to see people actually put in an effort. I dont want a team where people turn up for activities,they think are fun and then skip training. if that's the case, why don't we scrape the cca outing and farewell?

it is CCA. CO-ciriculum. not ECA extra. If you have an MC, valid reason or such, please tell corrina.

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